828 King's Highway, Suffolk VA 23432

757 255-4168 stjohns1755@verizon.net Worship Service: Sundays at 10:30am
Welcome to St. John's community. We are honored to serve Christ, and to open our doors to all. Please feel free to join us for worship. St. John's can trace its history to the founding of Jamestown. The parish is over 350 years old, and the church building itself has stood for 2 and a half centuries. St. John's saw the American Revolution and served as a camp ground for troops during the Civil War. Through it all, St. John's has been a place of worship and a home for those seeking communion with Christ. St. John's has a rich and abiding history. Today, it is as it was... a place to find and be found by Christ.

About Us

Our Worship Schedule
Sunday:    Holy Eucharist   10:30 am
Healing Eucharist every 3rd Sunday

Education Schedule
Sunday  Multigenerational Formation, 9:15 am - 10:15 am
Wednesday  Book and Bible Study  10:00 - 11:30 am

Nursery Care and nursery Supervisors
Our Nursery service is temporarily suspended. We are looking forward to having children to participate in our nursery. However, all people are welcome in worship regardless of their age. Please don't let the absence of a nursery prevent bringin g your children to church with you.

Servant Leaders at St. John's

The Ministers
All Baptized members

Assisted by
Rector:  The Rev. Leslie (Les) Ferguson

Ms. Leone Vigil, Senior Warden
Mr. Kevin Brady, Junior Warden
Mrs. Susan Kirkpatrick
Ms. Bernice Rogers
Mr. Fred Stanton
Mr. Jim Tankovich
Ms. Marlene Stanton (Register)
Mr. Gary Davidson (Treasurer)
Office Manager: Mr. Don Wittenauer
Minister of Music: Mr. Roger Peyton